Friday, February 12, 2016

The Marketplace experience.

What an experience to go to the marketplace here in La Vega!  I had been wanting to do this very thing.  I wasn't sure if anyone did this, but deep down I wanted to know what this experience is like. After visiting the grocery store, my friends asked if I would like to go home or come with them to the open market.  Of course I would love to go!  So, off we went.

We walked into this open area and I immediately noticed all the vendors and the vibrant colors.  I looked around like a tourist - no sense attempting to blend in when you have pale skin and blonde hair.  The vendors watched my face and reaction.  They saw joy and anticipation.  They saw I wasn't repelled, instead I was curious as I followed my friends.
Look at all the vibrant colors, various offerings, and beautiful flowers.
            Any way you want it. 

Whatever size needed.
Whatever is your favorite.
Whatever quantity needed.
Whatever color desired.
When we enter the marketplace we have an opportunity unique and precious.

We are going to where the people are in every day life, seeing what matters to them, what is happening in their surroundings,  and even perhaps working alongside them.

Have you ever considered that in the New Testament, Jesus appeared in  public settings 132 times?

122 of these appearances were in the marketplace.
Of the 52 parables Jesus told, 45 had a workplace context.
Of the 40 miracles in the book of Acts, 39 were in the marketplace.
So, the marketplace seems the place to be. 
So to me that speaks that we shouldn't be caught sleeping.  We should be alert, ready, and active in the marketplace.  During our visit to the marketplace I saw my friends stop shopping for vegetables and begin witnessing to a young vendor who was asking questions about God.  My friends' frequent visits to the marketplace had developed a relationship that allowed for this moment to happen.
We need to be in the marketplace of life, reaching out to people, showing Christ's love for them.  Answering questions they may have, sharing with them the good news. 
You may have gone only to pick up a few vegetables.  Or perhaps to get some flowers for someone special in your life.  How about picking up a prescription?  Maybe a new tire for the car, or a pair of comfortable shoes.  Sometimes it is because we are purchasing a gift for a special event.  Even being in the marketplace each day working to support your family can become a marketplace experience.

One of the last things Jesus said to the disciples was,
"'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature'" (Mark 16:15)
This Scripture applies to His followers today as well, but it doesn't mean we ALL have to leave our jobs and homes and go into full-time ministry.
It simply means we are to act as Jesus acted.