Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Because of you ...

So much has taken place in the past 6 months. Here are some of the happenings that have taken place.
* A pastor's home received a new roof and furniture.
* The Missions Beyond vehicle has a new, much needed radiator. 
* A Dominican church has a roof, windows, and door for their new facility.
* A Stateside food pantry and clothing closet is in place to assist families needing a hand up due to life tragedies. 
* A missions scholarship was gifted to a Venezuelan young man so that he can travel and share the good news with children and adults in China. 
* Eight Dominican Haitian schools received a special large gift or shoebox in December 2018.  
* Fifty six teachers and administrators received a gift of thanks for their commitment to train students, impacting the future of their countries.
* A US family of 8 received groceries and personal hygiene items. 
* Two young women who are currently incarcerated, have received Bibles and study books.
* A Hispanic church in St Joseph received study Bibles for their youth and children's ministry.
* Two Dominican churches have microphones and much needed cables for sound equipment.
* Food and clothing were given to a local community shelter and community food kitchen.
* Utility assistance for a single parent family.

We are grateful for you and your partnership as we together make a difference.  Attached is a partnership certificate expressing our gratitude. Looking forward to seeing what opportunities open in the next six months.


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