Have you planted your mustard seed?
Many of you know that Velvet has been ready to move since 2012. John has been ready since February 2016.
Waiting. This is difficult for Velvet. Velvet has come to embrace and love the promise of Psalms 46:10.
Since May 2012, Velvet has painted, downsized, repaired and waited. And waited some more.
There were many days where we would take one step forward and wait weeks, sometimes months, before God would say we could take the next step forward. People wore on Velvet when they asked the question "when?" It was kind how they showed care and concern. Velvet would steel herself and say, "Soon." Velvet came to tighten her grip of faith, focusing on the promise of Exodus 14:14.
Some people began talking, doubting it would happen. Velvet also found herself having questions and moments of wondering "God, did I hear wrong?" Some well-meaners and local spiritual mentors shared how they knew Velvet had heard God wrong. "You are to stay where we were 'planted'." A pastor's wife even encouraged Velvet to give up and be content in just having a passion for missions and raising awareness about missionaries on the field.
We are told there will be doubters and naysayers. There will even be errors that cause delays and increase waiting periods. An email arrived last week notifying Velvet there had been an oversight error regarding requirements for ordination. No other continuing education was needed for ordination. It could be her choice of elective study, not required study. Credit was being given for 49.5 hours of college courses from the days of her youth. Really? No, that can't be right. So Velvet asked again for clarification. Yes, it was correct. However ... there would still be a two year wait. There's that word again ... WAIT.

Last Friday a phone call, delivering news there are still questions being asked by spiritual overseers. Velvet could have sat down and wallowed in doubt, instead, she went into a bedroom and MOVED some very heavy furniture into the garage where it could be closer to going on the moving truck. Velvet continues to move in faith, trusting God's word. Trusting that God can move mountains. Trusting God can convince spiritual leaders this is His plan and purpose. Velvet knows it isn't her fight to fight, it is God's battle. Velvet can be content in the wait, because she is moving forward in obedience while she waits. "God, see that mountain over there? Some help please? Thank you."
Today, Velvet is in the 'waiting' room again. She has been told to wait for a phone call. A phone call with the results of the determination for clearance to once again travel to the Dominican Republic as a volunteer.
Last evening before church service, Velvet was once again asked 'when?' Kelly, a new follower of Christ asked, "Why would you need to wait when you are a volunteer and God has told you to go? Can't you just come and go as you please?" Great question! Here was Velvet's response, "It is about obedience. God has said go, we have said yes. We would like the blessing and favor of our denomination. So we are waiting on God to fight for us and show spiritual leaders this is His plan and purpose." It isn't always about us knowing that He is God, it is about the 'doubters and naysayers' knowing that He is God. Waiting could be so that others will have no doubt that God has shown His favor and blessing on you.

Some days all you may have is faith the size of a mustard seed ... plant it ... water it ... cultivate it ... feed it ... and wait. Watch your faith grow. Growing to heights of knowing God can do what man says is impossible.
...For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, ... you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
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