Saturday, December 31, 2016

We are absolutely thrilled to have your support again this year. 

Because of your gifts thirteen families received new mattress sets after their homes were flooded out by the Camu River in Los Rieles, Dominican Republic. 

Food items and other necessary supplies were purchased and made readily available after the flooding. Babies had milk to drink. Those who were ill received needed medication or medical attention. 

Propane and charcoal was purchased so mothers could prepare meals for their children. School shoes, uniforms and much needed school supplies were given out to students affected by the flooding. 

Your financial gifts are helping to improve the lives of the Dominican Haitian immigrant children and their families.

We could not do all this without you partnering with us. Our hope as this year closes out and we look towards the coming year is that you will be blessed as you have blessed. 



Visit our website to see more about what we do and how lives are being changed in the Dominican Republic - 

Missions Beyond is a charity option via Amazon Smile. Remember, if you want Amazon to donate, you will need to start each shopping session at the URL, choose Missions Beyond the Beyond as your charity, and AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


The Bible is a wealth of leadership wisdom. There are scripture verses that encourage leaders. There are Bible verses that should scare leaders. These scary Bible verses are rarely talked about. They’re kept under wraps and ignored by most. This is a mistake. The Bible has clear warnings for leaders. If we ignore these challenging Bible verses, we are in deep trouble.

Acts 20:28 - Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.
Our flock may not be a church congregation but it may be a team of hard workers on the shop floor or a group of volunteers. These people are our responsibility. God has tasked us with being overseers of those we lead. We’re leading some pretty valuable people. Don’t neglect this post you’ve been given. 

John 3:30 - He must increase, but I must decrease.
Why is John 3:30 a scary Bible verse for leaders? Because it’s telling us that leadership and our lives aren’t all about ourselves. There’s a higher purpose to life and that’s to the ONE we should be modeling our lives after.

Proverbs 4:23 - Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it springs all life.
 At first glance, this Bible verse is benign. There’s nothing scary about it. That is until you begin to study the bible verse. We discover our heart is the wellspring of life. Now, whether that life is good or bad, that depends on what you put into your heart. Are you putting good things into your heart or are you filling it with bad things? The choice is yours.

Matthew 18:16 - But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
As leaders, you are responsible for those you lead. These people are looking to you for guidance, like little children. We have a responsibility to lead and to lead well. We can’t take our leadership lightly. Realize your position as a leader isn’t for the faint of heart. You’ve got a great responsibility to lead rightly.

The Bible lays down the law when it comes to leading. We have a responsibility and we’ve got to be aware of that responsibility. GOD WILL HOLD YOU TO A HIGHER STANDARD THAN THE PEOPLE TO WHOM YOU PREACH.  Yes, we leaders are human, but we are also called and the people aren’t. God expects more from us leaders/ministers/pastors/shepherds.

James 1:3 -Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.

 - This thought is a borrowed thought on leadership.

Friday, October 14, 2016


On Wednesday of this week, I had the privilege to be an assistant during a third grade class period. 
On Thursday, one of these third graders visited with me for about half an hour before school. When he heard that I had to wait until I was 37 years old for my first visit to Disney World, he was shocked. He said, "If I had known you before then, I would have taken you to Disney World." We chatted for a bit longer and as I walked with him to flag ceremony he said, "You know what, you are my new bestest friend."
Here's the thing. It was on this same morning, I talked to God and questioned whether I was making any kind of a difference. I asked Him to show me if it was good enough for Him. I have been here a month and felt as though I hadn't enough tick marks on the schedule for God. I needed this visit and to hear this young student's words. God answered and my heart melted even more for the children here in La Vega.
This morning as I walked down the hallways of La Vega Christian School, several of those third graders saw me, stopped and came up to greet me with hugs and these precious words, "Hello Ms. Sommer, how are you?" in perfect English. We had less than an hour together on Wednesday. I am looking forward to next Wednesday with these students.
You never know what kind of impact a few minutes will have on someone. I know how my heart was impacted. It is my continued hope that I will be a good ambassador of Christ to those around me, to the students and faculty of the schools where I volunteer, that a few minutes will make a positive difference.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


So good to be back in fabulous La Vega, Dominican Republic.  The school year had started before I arrived.  Students are settled into their daily routine and teachers are looking forward to seeing the accomplishments of the students.  

This semester has a few changes for me.  I will be volunteering two days a week at the La Vega Christian School campus.  I have the privilege of assisting with the English art program and assisting in the English Learning Center.  Additionally, I will be traveling two days a week to teach Conversational English in two schools for Haitian children.  My hope is that I will continue to be able to visit and check in with the other 8 schools for Haitian children.

This week I experienced something of a first for me.  School classes cancelled due to hurricane and tropical storm conditions.  We had so much rain, that for a time, I lived as royalty because of a water filled moat outside the home hindering foot traffic from entering or exiting. Many people have been affected by the damage left from the path of the hurricane and tropical storm conditions.

John will soon be here for a short visit.  He is eager to be here and reconnect with the students and our new friends. 

When God fights your battles.

The enemy is good at being bad. Knowing our weaknesses, he camps out with bated breath just waiting for his chance to launch his missiles. And he does it with extreme accuracy.   He knows what hurts us the most.  

In a book called Boundaries, Townsend and Cloud tell a story about a man who continually goes down a street and falls into a hole. The story paraphrased goes like this:
A man would go down the street, see a hole, and fall in. The next day the man walked down the street and saw the hole and fell in again. The third day the man partially changed his route but eventually still fell in the hole. The fourth day he altered his route a little but then looked back and fell in the stubborn hole. Finally when the man became tired of his failure, he decided to walk on the other side of the street. Enough was enough. He stopped thinking he could do it. Many of us still think we can. When we keep trying to get different results by doing the same thing, others recognize it as insanity; we think we are persevering.
It's helpful in our battles to remember God's track record. He has proven himself in each of our lives. I need to remember what he did in my life because that's the life I'm living. When I am tempted to feel unwanted and unloved, I must choose to focus on how God cares enough to know my name.  He not only cares enough, He has given me a name that only He calls me by.  He has given you a special name, one that only He call you by.  That is how much you are loved and wanted by God.  God goes before you and fights the battles.  He claims you are His child.  When we feel anxious, discouraged, hopeless or overwhelmed He is going before us and fighting for us.  When bad things happens, He is preparing a powerful life change.  

God is in control, but that does not mean we followers of Christ get to avoid the battles - in fact, the Bible states the opposite.  "Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope." (Romans 5:3-4).  In order for a believer to live a life of endurance, character, and hope, we must put on our armor and trust the Deliverer.  We can not put our confidence in ourselves, or others.  Our confidence must be in God, who will fight our battles.  Be still, He goes before you and He always wins.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Do you feel like you are in a closed-door season? 
For every season, God has a purpose for us. During mine, closed doors made missions efforts possible. Closed doors allowed me to travel to Africa, Venezuela, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. My bucket list included getting one stamp in a passport. I had to recently ask for additional pages in a renewed passport.
Closed doors helped me grow by experiencing different cultures, different outlooks, different living situations, and developing a very honest relationship with Jesus. God showed me that His plan was better than mine, and I smile (even laugh out loud sometimes) when He does things just to show His is God and can do anything far beyond what I can think, dream or imagine.
Does your 'closed door' season of life allow time to pursue a dream? join a Bible study? serve at a school? mentor a young person? pursue a dream? take a class to help you develop professionally? Enjoy this season of change. Not all change is bad. You may need extra pages in your 'memory book' all because of what happens when God closes a door that isn't 'good' for you.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, September 12, 2016


Why are we called to encourage? In Hebrews 3:13, we are told to “encourage one another daily.” Then, in 1 Thessalonians 5:11, it says, “encourage one another and build one another up.” We also learn in Proverbs 12:25 that, “Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.
So, with this in mind, we have to wonder why - why is it so important to God that we encourage one another? Are we doing all we can to share God’s love with our brothers and sisters? And, not to mention, who does God want us to encourage?
Let’s explore:
Why is it so important to God that we encourage one another?
We all know this world can be tough. It’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important in a world where we are dealing with daily strife, uphill battles and the looming pressure to make everything okay. Many experience discouragement and this leads to giving in - throwing in the towel and saying “nevermind, I give up.” This is where encouraging others is essential. This is where God uses His people to speak truth to our hearts to remind us that He has overcome the world (John 16:33) and that He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us (Jeremiah 29:11). We must encourage one another so that we can bring glory to God not just in our lives, but in the lives of those around us as well. Must we never forget 1 John 3:16 where we learn the true meaning of love - “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”
Are we doing all we can to share God’s love with our brothers and sisters?
Just think about it for a second - we’re good people, right? We open doors for strangers, smile at dirty, oil-changing men at the service station and we even cleaned up a little after the potluck last Sunday. But, what we must ask ourselves is are we giving it all we got, or are we just doing the bare minimum by being polite and personable while keeping our hands clean at the same time. We invite you to spend some quiet time with God. Ask Him to shine His light on new ways for you to share His love. Ask Him to give you the strength to pursue the doors He is opening in your life and to give you the tools and passion needed to reach out in His name and truly make an impact for the Kingdom.
Who has God called us to encourage?
While many of us feel a strong need to encourage the people we love, it’s somewhat a little harder to reach out to those whom we don’t really care for. Let’s be honest - how many times have you encouraged someone who has been downright rude to you, or someone that you believe is on the wrong path in life? I mean, really, how easy is it to overlook the elderly person who is taking too long at the supermarket or the hateful neighbor who just loves to complain about your dogs or the homeless man who you pass every day on your way to work? However, in Matthew 7: 1-29 it says, “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” We must be willing to look outside of our box, forgive as God has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32), and reach out beyond our comfort zone to reach those who may need a little extra attention. - Dayspring

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Be On Guard!

Skylar (our miniature yorkie) and I just returned from taking out the trash to the trash bin. Just an innocent little walk. Even on innocent short little walks you must be on the alert. He and I just returned a few days ago from being on the farm for a week. We were outside often and there were times in which he wasn't ready to go back inside and help me by keeping watch while I unpacked boxes and totes. I know to be on the alert on the farm or when in the Dominican Republic, for slithering critters. When I am in town or in the city, I am not as alert.
Skylar being a city dog hasn't ever had an encounter with a snake until .... today ... in town. I was ready for this on the farm, but I relaxed today because we were in town in our own little yard. Mistake.
Yep, here was this mature women, who sometimes moves a little slow due to arthritis, reacting with movements like I was twenty again. RUNNING over to rescue Skylar from the slithering varmint who dared to even think about moving towards my companion. I scooped up rocks and sticks as weapons, forgot I was only wearing flip flops and went on the attack. Skylar moved when I yelled and stayed behind me as I went on the defense. Sure wish I had been wearing my boots or at least my Rocket Dogs.
Does this ever to us in daily life? We are on the lookout when we know we should but in our own little corner, our own home, our workplace, or (heaven forbid) in our own church seat, we let down our guard and the slithering enemy dares to move near. Quiet and sneaky, eyeing his prey, ready to attack when we least expect it.
The enemy is wanting to divide us so we will be separated and lack the combined strength to ward off an attack. Seeking to catch the weak or innocent among us while the mature ones are focused on a distracting moment. In 1 Timothy chapter 1, we are warned to be on guard at all times. Jesus went out on a limb asking us to be His hands and feet in ministry to others. We need to alert, being fearless in our struggle, keeping a firm grip on our faith and on ourselves. After all, this is a fight we’re in. It will be messy if we lose focus and forget to be properly dressed for battle. Keep the faith and be strong, don't be like "some, you know, who by relaxing their grip and thinking anything goes have made a thorough mess of their faith." (1 Timothy 1 :19-20 The Message)

Monday, August 1, 2016


Have you planted your mustard seed?
Many of you know that Velvet has been ready to move since 2012. John has been ready since February 2016.
Waiting. This is difficult for Velvet. Velvet has come to embrace and love the promise of Psalms 46:10.
Since May 2012, Velvet has painted, downsized, repaired and waited. And waited some more.
There were many days where we would take one step forward and wait weeks, sometimes months, before God would say we could take the next step forward. People wore on Velvet when they asked the question "when?" It was kind how they showed care and concern. Velvet would steel herself and say, "Soon." Velvet came to tighten her grip of faith, focusing on the promise of Exodus 14:14.
Some people began talking, doubting it would happen. Velvet also found herself having questions and moments of wondering "God, did I hear wrong?" Some well-meaners and local spiritual mentors shared how they knew Velvet had heard God wrong. "You are to stay where we were 'planted'." A pastor's wife even encouraged Velvet to give up and be content in just having a passion for missions and raising awareness about missionaries on the field.
We are told there will be doubters and naysayers. There will even be errors that cause delays and increase waiting periods. An email arrived last week notifying Velvet there had been an oversight error regarding requirements for ordination. No other continuing education was needed for ordination. It could be her choice of elective study, not required study. Credit was being given for 49.5 hours of college courses from the days of her youth. Really? No, that can't be right. So Velvet asked again for clarification. Yes, it was correct. However ... there would still be a two year wait. There's that word again ... WAIT.
Last Friday a phone call, delivering news there are still questions being asked by spiritual overseers. Velvet could have sat down and wallowed in doubt, instead, she went into a bedroom and MOVED some very heavy furniture into the garage where it could be closer to going on the moving truck. Velvet continues to move in faith, trusting God's word. Trusting that God can move mountains. Trusting God can convince spiritual leaders this is His plan and purpose. Velvet knows it isn't her fight to fight, it is God's battle. Velvet can be content in the wait, because she is moving forward in obedience while she waits. "God, see that mountain over there? Some help please? Thank you."
Today, Velvet is in the 'waiting' room again. She has been told to wait for a phone call. A phone call with the results of the determination for clearance to once again travel to the Dominican Republic as a volunteer.

Last evening before church service, Velvet was once again asked 'when?' Kelly, a new follower of Christ asked, "Why would you need to wait when you are a volunteer and God has told you to go? Can't you just come and go as you please?" Great question! Here was Velvet's response, "It is about obedience. God has said go, we have said yes. We would like the blessing and favor of our denomination. So we are waiting on God to fight for us and show spiritual leaders this is His plan and purpose." It isn't always about us knowing that He is God, it is about the 'doubters and naysayers' knowing that He is God. Waiting could be so that others will have no doubt that God has shown His favor and blessing on you.

A year ago Velvet wrote a scripture on a postcard asking a mountain to moved - delays abounded, waiting became the norm, yet Velvet continued packing in faith. Friday, August 5, 2016, is moving day. It is official. What will Velvet be doing today? Moving more items to the garage to put on that moving truck. It helps to be busy moving forward in faith when you are waiting. Friday is our moving day and when it is time to go, Velvet wants to be ready. When the door closes on the moving truck and the journey begins, Velvet will take a photo and caption it FINALLY!!!
Some days all you may have is faith the size of a mustard seed ... plant it ... water it ... cultivate it ... feed it ... and wait. Watch your faith grow. Growing to heights of knowing God can do what man says is impossible.
...For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, ... you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

Friday, May 6, 2016

Frog Soup Anyone?

The “boiling frog syndrome” describes how a frog dropped into a kettle of boiling water will jump out immediately in reaction to the pain. On the other hand, if the frog is placed in water that begins at room temperature but is slowly heated, the frog will remain in the kettle and eventually cook to death. The cozy amphibian is unable to perceive the danger as it adapts to the gradual rise in temperature. The analogy alerts us to our response to a comfortable, slowly changing, but potentially threatening environment.

Our western society is captivated with comfort. The cultural “kettle” in which most of us live promotes and normalizes the call to a cozy life. We pay extra and even boast excitedly about our comfortable homes, cars, shoes, beds, and vacations. Our “creature comforts” have slowly lulled even devoted Christ-followers into being creatures of comfort.
Self-sacrifice and surrender are always distinguishing characteristics of those who choose to live outside the comfort zone. The ultimate example of One who left comfort in order to sacrifice for others is Jesus. Jesus stripped Himself of all privileges and rightful dignity, so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave).”
The comfort zone is the danger zone because it is very difficult to live by this kind of faith while chasing after and cuddling into a life of comfort. With little warning, we might find ourselves immersed in a boiling cauldron that extinguishes a life of authentic faith. As Hebrews 11:6 warns, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
Here’s a sure promise that some rewards far exceed the temporary creature comforts of this life, if we are courageous enough to seek this supreme certainty.
Let’s keep stepping forward in the calling to an uncomfortable faith. - copied 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

We are pleased to announce that Missions Beyond has 501(c)3 status.  
This will now allow businesses and organizations to donate  to the school outreaches and assist families during times of difficult circumstance.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


As a young girl I lived in a town called Fayette, Missouri. The town's history did much to sculpt my outlook on life. I was shocked by how some felt others were less and could be treated as such. A personal experience is forever etched on my mind that occurred as I walked home from school one day. I was mistaken for another child.  I was simply walking home from school, when I was approached by a group of children. I was roughed up and thrown into a rose bush. Our family had recently moved into that community, and that event was quite traumatic. It wasn't a warm welcoming moment. I could have allowed that memory to cause bitterness and hatred. I could have held onto my fear and acted out on others in the same manner as I had been treated. Imagine what things were going through my mind on the day my father said it was time for me to face my fears and walk home on my own again.
My wise father use that moment to teach my young heart about forgiveness and strength. He taught me about how anger and mistreatment can be handed out on the innocent. He taught me to look for not what was on the outside of people but what was on the inside. He taught me that it takes real strength to stand and forgive.
As I view photos of the past, visit places such as Springfield Illinois and Fayette, Missouri - I see the reason why so many would choose to react with hate and bitterness. When we remember the past, we hold onto it, it etches our minds and forms our thoughts. We can never forget the past, nor can we fix the past and make it right. I could have allowed my personal experience to make me a very different person than who I chose to become. I could have used that experience as an excuse to treat others as I had been treated. I could have allowed myself no longer to enjoy the colors of God's people, but instead only see things as black and white. Instead I chose at the age of 6 years old a guideline: The Golden Rule : a general rule for how to behave that says that you should treat people the way you would like other people to treat you: an important rule to follow when you do something.
I have erred along the way. You may have erred along the way. We will make mistakes. We will sometimes fall prey to our own selfishness. It's up to us whether we will remain in that fallen state or rise to change. Using the past as a reminder that we can change only the now. As we change the now, we can also know that it will change 'worlds' of people around us.
Matthew 7:1-12 puts it this way:
1 Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. 6 “Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. 7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! 12 (The Golden Rule) “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

CALLED WITH PURPOSE: This morning as I sit looking out the window I notice the flag wafting in the breeze. I recently released this flag on Monday from the treacherous thorns of the climbing rose at the corner of the porch. I marveled at the beauty as it floated on the wind ... and then one little swift movement of wind caused a corner to be captured once again. Gone is the freedom. Gone is the liberty of movement. The more the struggle the more it is captured. The flag had enjoyed three days of movement. Doing what it was created to do. Looking more beautiful because of fulfillment of purpose. Then ugly thorns reached out and captured!

You can be sure of this: If you are on a divine mission - if you are called to do a work for the Lord and are busy doing that work, trusting in Jesus - thorns will work against you. It's all meant to be a distraction. You've got to continue on!
You have to understand - the reason the enemy comes against your prayer life, your consecration to God, your walk with Him, isn't just to bring you down. He also wants to ruin the ministry God has given you. He wants to destroy anything you're doing that brings glory to God! God promises that you will not stay trapped! Let me paint the picture for you.
All you have to know is that God's on your side. He's not mad at you for falling against the thorns. He is not against you. No - He hears your cry! Not even a sparrow falls to the ground without His knowing about it!
In Psalms 91 we read ... "Because He has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he knows My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him"
Rest assured, God will deliver you! He is on your side. Just be still and see His salvation. He promises to come!

I continued watching that flag and saw gentle breezes nudging the flag free from the thorns. As I have been writing, the flag is once again flying freely. God will send help in times of need. One of my most favorite verses puts it this way: "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” The flag didn't free itself, it had become still because of the thorns, freedom came because of that stillness.
Whatever thorns have attacked you today - be still - God Himself is fighting for you. He always wins !!! -VJS

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Marketplace experience.

What an experience to go to the marketplace here in La Vega!  I had been wanting to do this very thing.  I wasn't sure if anyone did this, but deep down I wanted to know what this experience is like. After visiting the grocery store, my friends asked if I would like to go home or come with them to the open market.  Of course I would love to go!  So, off we went.

We walked into this open area and I immediately noticed all the vendors and the vibrant colors.  I looked around like a tourist - no sense attempting to blend in when you have pale skin and blonde hair.  The vendors watched my face and reaction.  They saw joy and anticipation.  They saw I wasn't repelled, instead I was curious as I followed my friends.
Look at all the vibrant colors, various offerings, and beautiful flowers.
            Any way you want it. 

Whatever size needed.
Whatever is your favorite.
Whatever quantity needed.
Whatever color desired.
When we enter the marketplace we have an opportunity unique and precious.

We are going to where the people are in every day life, seeing what matters to them, what is happening in their surroundings,  and even perhaps working alongside them.

Have you ever considered that in the New Testament, Jesus appeared in  public settings 132 times?

122 of these appearances were in the marketplace.
Of the 52 parables Jesus told, 45 had a workplace context.
Of the 40 miracles in the book of Acts, 39 were in the marketplace.
So, the marketplace seems the place to be. 
So to me that speaks that we shouldn't be caught sleeping.  We should be alert, ready, and active in the marketplace.  During our visit to the marketplace I saw my friends stop shopping for vegetables and begin witnessing to a young vendor who was asking questions about God.  My friends' frequent visits to the marketplace had developed a relationship that allowed for this moment to happen.
We need to be in the marketplace of life, reaching out to people, showing Christ's love for them.  Answering questions they may have, sharing with them the good news. 
You may have gone only to pick up a few vegetables.  Or perhaps to get some flowers for someone special in your life.  How about picking up a prescription?  Maybe a new tire for the car, or a pair of comfortable shoes.  Sometimes it is because we are purchasing a gift for a special event.  Even being in the marketplace each day working to support your family can become a marketplace experience.

One of the last things Jesus said to the disciples was,
"'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature'" (Mark 16:15)
This Scripture applies to His followers today as well, but it doesn't mean we ALL have to leave our jobs and homes and go into full-time ministry.
It simply means we are to act as Jesus acted.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Two dates and a DASH

For those that don't know, some days the pain of arthritis slows me WAY down. I am learning to accept a bit more dust, a bit more clutter, and asking for help with some of the simplest of things. There are perks to this pace in life though, a balance of sorts begins, on the days with less pain I do more. On the days when I need a cheetah taped to my back, I do what I can....sometimes it is resting in Him, nesting in Him, and enjoying the view of fields of grace.

"(The book of) James makes it clear that faith is constantly looking for ways to serve; however, we can get so busy that we forget why we're doing it. I often catch myself thinking that if I'm not busy, I'm not "doing enough" for God. But then the act becomes its own end, instead of an outworking of love.

Imagine Martha in the kitchen, hair mussed, sweat dripping, fluttering around and looking for that special recipe to serve Jesus, while Mary just sat, soaking up His words.

Martha's response to this was probably well intentioned from a human point of view. She was serving and wanted others to serve with her! Jesus answered her 'huff'. "Only one thing is needed," Christ said, "and Mary has chosen what is better" (Luke 10:42).

Better? Lord, you mean that sitting at Your feet and being quiet is better than my idea of being busy serving you? "That's right, daughter."

Today, I am enjoying a Dominican holiday, school is not in session  ... sitting and studying at His feet.

I am watching the rain clouds waft in and enjoying the cool of the morning with Him.  

Moments like these I catch myself thinking "all of this and a view of You! "  Wow Jesus!  Thank You for asking me to be still and know.

I love the thought expressed in this photo ...

Your life is made of two dates and a dash.   (Born - Died.)

Make the most of the dash.  Sit at His feet, be still and KNOW God.